Saturday, May 16, 2009

Back Roads, Blue Highways, Humpback Rocks, and Sunflowers

The rain held off today and I was out there pulling weeds right up until I got scared of the lightening getting brighter and the thunder LOUDER. My friend Tony, who is about 88, told me that we are having perfect weather for the plants to grow and boy, do I believe it! Sun, sun, sun, and rain just when they need it. I haven't watered really at all since I put these things in the ground. After a very busy and trying week, I had basically forgotten about the garden until this morning when the sun came up and I stepped outside and was nearly knocked down by the size of them. I mean, wow! I can really tell it. AND, I can even see a few corn sprouts coming up! I feel like I'm back in kindergarden when you make your mom a little potted plant for Mother's Day and then bug her for the rest of the summer to help you water the little sucker. But when it blooms-unbelievable. I still feel that childhood excitement every time I see something sprouting and growing. Pictures to come soon for proof, but I was too busy today climbing mountains, eating hot dogs, sunbathing, napping, blogging. 

I am now listening to the program on NPR: Back Roads and Blue Highways. I feel about 100 years old doing this on a Saturday night, but it is a great program-find it on your local stations! MUCH needed reminders of why I love Mississippi and miss it terribly this time of year. The flowers above are a happy from my friend Sean to make me smile. Today I savoured every second of Virginia, every second of being doted on, every possible small thing that made me smile and I am so thankful for it. 

Because of my work situation these last days and weeks, I have been forced to think about possible changes to come sooner or later, and I guess it has made me a little sentimental. Reflecting on the day, year, and 28 years (well, on Thursday, I will be 29, but dang it!-I have 4 more days, OK?!) reminds me to be thankful and comforted that although it doesn't feel like it: it will all be alright. I will probably look back at this post this time next year and see even more changes that surprise me. Change: will I ever get used to it?


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