Monday, May 25, 2009

Wanted: Electrician to install spotlights

If I keep working like I do, I may need my dad to come up here and install some lighting so I can "night garden". Either that, or maybe he could send me one of his head band things that has a light attached so it actually shines from your head. SO attractive. I left at 8:30am this morning and got in after 9:00pm. I am burning the candle at both ends right now, but also feel a sense of hope and calm about where the future leads. But, OK, I have to be honest. There was a bit of fun in my day today too. Although it was a holiday for most, I worked all day. But, last night before bed I remembered that it was one of my dearest friends and co-workers birthday today (which happens to be just four days after mine and the same as my grandfather's "Pop"'s birthday was). For the sake of his privacy, he shall remain nameless, but let's just say not everyone gets the opportunity to work alongside a now 77 year old personal trainer who has never had a mojito. This alone called for a celebration! By the end of the evening he was telling every one of his birthday callers that he had marked this birthday with getting to know the mojo (yes, pronounced moJO, not moHO). I found myself laughing out loud in the shower tonight when I remembered his wife asking him to sing me his Jewish song that she had taught him about a foolish Jewish boy falling in love with a non-Jew. My friend's wife is Jewish, he is not. Just one of the many examples of tonight's fun. My, my. How full I feel tonight. I mean, I might be too full of myself, but not everyone gets to spend the evening with two 70ish year youngsters laughing, singing, sharing advice, and talking about the season finale of Ugly Betty. What an amazing time in life! 


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