So, I have a confession to make. I have not been blogging because I feel guilty that I started this as a gardening blog and well, as of late, the garden has NOT been number 1 priority. So, if I could just get it out there that although I have LOVED all that I have learned over the last months about gardening, if I'm going to continue this blog, it has to include other adventures as well! Ok? OK! The latest "Erin" adventure is the move to the Star city, Roanoke. Yep, that's what they call it. I have no strong roots here in Charlottesville, but have been amazed to have my eyes open to the friendships that I have made here. OK, let's face it. If you have a blog that is all about writing about your OWN life, well, you have to be a bit obsessed with yourself. But, I have to say, that I have been humbled by the reactions of friends and coworkers to the news that I am leaving, and wonder if there every day lives will be different without me here. I guess it is natural to wonder what your footprint looks like upon leaving a job, a community, a garden. Over the past few days, my body has been reacting to all of the changes by not being able to fight off a nasty virus that has left me bed bound for the last two days...well, when I wasn't at work working the last three days at my current job. What timing. I am taking every immune system vitamin I can find so that I can make a quick recovery for my quick visit home to see my family before making the move. I wish I could see everyone in Jackson, but not enough time. So, to recap: last day Wednesday, home to Kosy Thurs-Mon., packing Tuesday, training in Richmond Wed. & Thurs., packing Friday, throwing myself a going away party Saturday, packing Sunday, Moving Monday! Whew! There are so many changes, that I just have to see them as adventures, claim them, and be aware that my body needs rest and time to adjust to the changes. Thanks for all of your love and positive healthy thoughts my way! And um, for still reading even though it's not just about the garden.