Sunday, July 5, 2009


Sigh, whew. This has to be the most prepared I have every been for a move and it still ROCKS me. Today when I woke up it was like my body was saying, "Ok! I've had enough! I'm going to give you a headache and tummy ache just so you will rest the whole day. HA!" Ok, so maybe the tummy ache was partly because I discovered that I had a Sonic just down the street, but what else is more comforting when you are in a new town searching for the Kroger and you just happen to remember those after school Sonic runs with your mom. Mmmhh. I have had two days of work at my new job and I have to say: I am excited! There is a lot of work to be done and I am trying to get used to the fact that people are asking ME for the answers! What a challenge. Of course, everyone has been way more patient in showing me the ropes than I have with myself, so if I could just figure that one out, life would be so much easier! After all, tomorrow is only my third day. 

If one more person asks me if I know anyone here, I am going to start lying. NO. I do not know anyone in Roanoke. No I do not have any ties to VA. I just think it is beautiful and I like it here. Today the temperature in my car read 66 degrees around noon and it is only going to get up to 90 this week. I hear that is abnormal, but I just thought I would brag for all you MS folks. 

I have to note, that being prepared does not prepare you for the realization of, "Oh Sxxx, I really don't know ANYONE." Of course, I know I will know new friends soon, but you know what? It never really gets easier. At the same time, it offers me time for self-reflection and quietness (I know-really-believe it though. The only person I talked to today in person was the guy at Kroger that went out of his way to ask me how I was doing. After I remembered how to speak, I answered in a whisper, "Good. Thanks." And mumbled, "How are you" before quickly bolting down the closest isle.) So, this cry for help and maybe a little guilt tripping is my clever way to get you guys to come visit me. Please see my schedule below with my open days for visitors:

July 1-31: OPEN
August 1-31: OPEN
September 1-30: OPEN

As you can see, I'm open. Come visit. Oh, and why have a I posted a pic of an oven? Because I just used mine tonight for the first time, and it is the first time I have used a real oven in over a year! My 10-minute Bertolli pasta was actually done in 10 minutes! Just in case you have never cooked on a hot plate, it usually takes about thirty because of the electrical outlet safety cut-off. 

Please post comments! I love them and it makes me feel connected to the world. If not, I will just continue to talk to myself and the people at Kroger. Oh, and Home Depot. I have made some friends there. Yes I know there names: Charlie and Larry. 


At July 6, 2009 at 8:05 AM , Blogger susan h said...

hi ern! congrats on the move. thanks for the link to your blog. i will follow in solidarity with those who have moved to places where they know no one!

At July 6, 2009 at 12:59 PM , Blogger CAM said...

I LOVE your posting of your "open" dates! Have a good week :)


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